Challenges: Funder Testimonials

  1. Control - “You don’t always get what you want. Your foundation could be particularly attached to an individual grantee and other people might say, ‘But they’re not doing what we want.’ You have to make compromises. For some foundations, that’s difficult.”
  2. Credit - “You need a willingness to share the glory, assuming there’s glory to share. People have to be able to drop their egos a little bit in order to let everybody win, regardless of the size of their investments.”
  3. Time & Energy - “One thing that drove me crazy was the amount of process. We’d always be talking —talk, talk, talk — because everyone had to talk about their own vision of what was the plan..."
  4. Interpersonal Tensions - “Collaboratives that involve both local/small funders and large/national investors can be tension filled, especially when the national groups have lots of money and we don’t have as much. They can also sometimes be arrogant about ‘what’s best’ and forget about the fact that they’re strangers in our community.”

Takeaways are critical, bite-sized resources either excerpted from our guides or written by Candid Learning for Funders using the guide's research data or themes post-publication. Attribution is given if the takeaway is a quotation.

This takeaway was derived from Funder Collaboratives.
