A Typology of Transition Grants

When a large foundation created a new program to provide certain exiting grantees with special “transition grants,” it compiled a list of activities that would fit within the guidelines. The list is a helpful typology of things grantees and grantmakers may want to do to increase the impact of a grant.

  • Dissemination, “which includes methods that inform others about strategies, methods, results, or research findings or products from the original project”
  • Replication, which “goes beyond disseminating information to a more intensive hands-on way of helping other organizations replicate the model or methods”
  • Planning for sustainability, or work that’s “aimed at sustaining, not necessarily the project itself but learning from the project model, either within the organization or by developing a new spin-off organization”
  • Research, which includes “data collection, along with analysis and interpretation to implement research that was recommended as a result of the project”
  • Continuation, or “continuing some activities or strategies over a longer time to help the grantee disseminate, replicate, or sustain their work — for example, if a policy action is timely where it wasn’t before”
  • Miscellaneous, for projects that “don’t really fit into any of the other categories”

Takeaways are critical, bite-sized resources either excerpted from our guides or written by Candid Learning for Funders using the guide's research data or themes post-publication. Attribution is given if the takeaway is a quotation.

This takeaway was derived from The Effective Exit.
