Words With PFriends

This is not a typo. Words With PFriends is a game that drives our program team meetings at the William Penn Foundation (WPF).

The game is designed to help our staff understand the definitions of words and the language we speak internally. Here's how we play:

This link opens our wheel, which we created online. Click on the wheel to spin it. Once a word is selected, we spend five minutes discussing the definition and what the word means in our workflow and process. This is a great way for our staff, many of whom are fairly new, to get familiar with some of the specific language used during our process, and to help everyone get on the same page and speak the same language. It's been helpful to our work, and also a great way to insert some fun into what could potentially be a boring topic of discussion.

Give the wheel a spin at your foundation, too!


About the author(s)

Director, Grants Management
William Penn Foundation